More Info: Invisalign

More Info: Invisalign

  • If any attachments come off, call us! They play a crucial ROLE in moving your teeth.
  • Oral hygiene is important when it COMES to wearing your trays! It’s easier for bacteria to grow when wearing the trays; please remember to brush and floss regularly to prevent cavities and buildup.
  • We do not recommend that you drink or eat anything sweet with the trays on.
  • Dark drinks, like coffee or tea, can stain your trays
  • Hot drinks can warp the trays- please be cautious!
  • Trays not fitting? Please call our office and let us know!
  • behind on trays? That's okay, please call to move your appointment
  • finished your trays early, but have a later appointment? Call us to see if you can come in earlier!
  • Do not throw away your trays! Save them in case you experience any relapse during or after treatment.
  • Please  contact our office if your trays are not fitting or if you notice any distortions in the trays. For example, if you notice a large gap between the tray and where your tray ends and you aren’t able to push it up or use a chewy to push it up, please call us asap
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